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DFG-Projekt: Patterns of Migrant Community Formation in China's Megaurban Pearl River Delta

Project Heads:

International migration, global change, high-qualified migration, urban health, patterns of migrant community formation

Geography, Sinology, Urban Planning, Anthropology

Based on phase one and two of PRD 3 (2007-2009 and 2009-2011) with a focus on internal migration and an extended focus on international migrants from developing and transnational countries, the main focus of this third and last phase will be set on high-qualified international migrants from different industrialized countries.

Research goals:

  1. To compare our preliminary findings with individual and group specific social and health risks as well as strategies among internal and international migrants, with a focus on their interplay with forces of global change.
  2. To analyze and identify patterns of internal, international and transnational migrant community formation that are emerging as a result of mega(urban) development in the PRD.
  3. To better understand the institutional setting of migration in the PRD and how different stakeholders affect migrants’ lives.
  4. To better and more systematically understand the interplay of global change processes and migration flows in the PRD.

Research Foci:

  1. Inclusion of different high-skilled international and internal migrant communities in the PRD with a focus on their access to health services and social services, their health status and specific health risks, as well as living and working conditions.
  2. Analysis of patterns of internal, international and transnational migrant community formation and the migrants’ interaction with global change processes.
  3. Analysis of similarities and differences between internal and international migration in the light of the new project focus.