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Dr. rer. nat. Kristof Dorau


Dr. rer. nat. Kristof Dorau
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Research Interests

My studies aim to unravel spatiotemporal redox dynamics in soils along with the associated biogeochemical processes by incorporating methods that come from the soil chemical and physical field. Thereby, soil sampling and characterization is a major part of my routine that sometimes includes (long-term) environmental monitoring data to predict how soil genesis will proceed under progressing climate change. Specifically, I further developed the application of Indicator of Reduction In Soils (IRIS) tools by using manganese oxides as redox sensitive minerals, to document reducing conditions in soils.

Additional personal information about my research can be found under https://www.kristofdorau.de/.


Peer-reviewed articles (by 02/2022)

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[13] Bourceret, A., Guan, R., Dorau, K., Mansfeldt, T., Omidbakhshfard, A., Medeiros, D., Fernie, A., Hofmann, J., Sonnewald, U., Mayer, J., Gerlach, N., Bucher, M., Garrido-Oter, R., Spaepen, S., Schulze-Lefert, P. 2022 Maize field study reveals covaried microbiota and metabolic changes in roots over plant growth. mBio, XXX

[12] Dorau, K., Bamminger, C., Koch, D., Mansfeldt, T. 2022 Evidences of soil warming from long-term trends (1951–2018) in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Climatic Change, 170:9.

[11] Dorau, K., Uteau, D., Hövels, M., Peth, S., Mansfeldt, T. 2022 Soil aeration and redox potential as function of pore connectivity unravelled by X-ray microtomography imaging. European Journal of Soil Science, 73, 1–10.

[10] Dorau, K., Bohn, B., Weihermüller, L., Mansfeldt, T. 2021 Temperature-induced diurnal redox potential in soil. Enironmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 23, 1782–1790.

[9] Dorau, K., Wessel-Bothe, S., Milbert, G., Schrey, H. P., Elhaus, D., Mansfeldt, T. 2020. Climate change and redoximorphosis in a soil with stagnic properties. CATENA, 190, 104528.

[8] Dorau, K., Pohl, L., Henke, C., Höschen, C., Ufer, K., Mansfeldt, T., Mueller, C.W. 2019. Soil organic matter and phosphate sorption on natural and synthetic Fe oxides under in situ conditions. Environmental Science & Technology, 53, 13081–13087.

[7] Dorau, K., Luster, J., Mansfeldt, T. 2018. Soil aeration: the relation between air‐filled pore volume and redox potential, European Journal of Soil Science 69, 1035–1043.

[6] Dorau, K., Papenfuß, S., Mansfeldt, T., 2018. Temperature-dependent oxide removal from manganese- and iron oxide-coated soil redox bars. Journal of Soils and Sediments 18, 680-687.

[5] Dorau, K., Mansfeldt, T., 2016. Comparison of redox potential dynamics in a diked marsh soil: 1990 to 1993 versus 2011 to 2014. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 179, 641–651.

[4] Dorau, K., Mansfeldt, T. 2016. Manganese and iron oxide-coated redox bars as a tool to study the in situ sorption behavior of elements in wet soils. Journal of Soils and Sediments 16, 976–986.

[3] Dorau, K., Eickmeier, M., Mansfeldt, T. 2016. Comparison of manganese and iron oxide-coated redox bars for characterization of the redox status in wetland soils. WETLANDS 36, 133–144.

[2] Dorau, K., Gelhausen, H., Esplör, D., Mansfeldt, T. 2015. Wetland restoration management under the aspect of climate change at a mesotrophic fen in Northern Germany. Ecological Engineering 84, 84–91. 

[1] Dorau, K., Mansfeldt, T. 2015. Manganese-Oxide-Coated Redox Bars as an Indicator of Reducing Conditions in Soils. Journal of Environmental Quality 44, 696–703.

Other scientific outlets without peer-review

Koschel, S., Mansfeldt, T., Dorau, K. 2019. Redoxkarten und Bodenschutz - Hilfsmittel zur räumlichen Visualisierung reduzierender Bedingungen im Brücker Bruch, Köln. Bodenschutz 3, 98–101.

Poster presentations and talks

Bucher, M., Basler, G., Bourceret, A., Dorau, K., Fernie, A., Gerlach, N., Mansfeldt T., and the RECONSTRUCT consortium. 2020. Unraveling the contribution of soil biodiversity to maize growth and fitness through combined omics-based in silico modeling and reconstruction biology. Eurosoil, Geneva, Austria. [TALK]

Dorau, K., Bourceret, A., Gerlach, N., the RECONSTRUCT consortium, Mansfeldt T., Schulze-Lefert, P. and Bucher, M.. 2019. Soil properties and soil management influence soil and plant microbial consortia and maize yield. Annual meeting of the German Soil Science Society. Bern, Switzerland. [POSTER]

Dorau, K. 2019. Landschafts- und Flussgenese im Kreis Minden-Lübbecke. Natur- und Umweltschutz Akademie. Minden, Germany. [TALK]

Luster, J., Ley, M., Cattin, A., Köchli, R., Frey, B., Lehmann, M., Niklaus, P.A., Schomburg, A.C., Le Bayon, C., Brunner, P., Turberg, P., Guenat, C., Dorau, K., Mansfeldt, T., Schack-Kirchner, H., Riaz, M. 2019. Phalaris arundinacea and earthworms mainly reduce nitrous oxide emissions from sandy floodplain soils. Annual meeting of the German Soil Science Society. Bern, Switzerland. [TALK]

Dorau, K., Bourceret, A., the RECONSTRUCT consortium, Gerlach, N., Mansfeldt T., Schulze-Lefert, P. and Bucher, M. 2019. pH variability in arable soils and impact on Acidobacteria. PLANT 2030 Status Seminar. Potsdam, Germany. [POSTER]

Dorau, K., the RECONSTRUCT consortium, Gerlach, N., Mansfeldt T. and Bucher, M. 2018. A sequential extraction procedure to study phosphorus binding forms in arable soils. Annual meeting International Union of Soil Science, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. [POSTER]

Dorau, K., Luster, J. and Mansfeldt, T. 2017. Soil aeration – The relationship between redox potential and air-filled pores. Annual meeting of the German Soil Science Society. Göttingen, Germany. [TALK]

Dorau, K., Mueller, C.W. and Mansfeldt, T. 2017. NanoSIMS as a non-invasive approach to study the element composition of oxide coatings along redox bars. Kolloquium Universität Hohenheim. Hohenheim, Germany. [TALK]

Dorau, K., Mueller, C.W. and Mansfeldt, T. 2017. Manganese and iron oxide-coated redox bars – tools to delineate soil reducing conditions and study the element sorption behavior in wetland soils. American Chemical Society. San Francisco, United States. [TALK]

Dorau, K., the RECONSTRUCT consortium, Gerlach, N., Mansfeldt T. and Bucher, M. 2017. The potential of synthetic soils to unravel the contribution of soil biodiversity to maize growth and fitness. PLANT 2030 Status Seminar. Potsdam, Germany. [POSTER]

Dorau, K. 2016. Böden und Geologie des Weserberglandes und der Weseraue. Natur- und Umweltschutz Akademie. Minden, Germany. [TALK]

Dorau, K. and Mansfeldt, T. 2016. Der Einsatz von Manganoxid- und Eisenoxid-beschichtete Redox-Stäben für die bodenkundliche Standortbewertung. gd-forum Geologischer Dienst NRW, Krefeld, Deutschland. [TALK]

Dorau, K. and Mansfeldt, T. 2015. Manganese and iron oxide-coated redox bars as a tool to study the in situ sorption behaviour of elements in wetlands. WETPOL meeting. York, England. [TALK]

Dorau, K., Eickmeier, M. and Mansfeldt, T. 2015. Charakterisierung des Redox-Milieus in Böden durch Manganoxid- und Eisenoxid-beschichtete Redox-Stäbe, Annual meeting of the German Soil Science Society. Munich, Germany. [TALK]

Dorau, K. and Mansfeldt, T. 2014. Manganese oxide-coated redox bars as an indicator for reducing soil conditions. Annual meeting European Geoscience Union. Vienna, Austria. [POSTER]

Dorau, K. and Mansfeldt, T. 2012. High-resolution monitoring of the air- and water balance in a Calcaric Gleysol of the marsh in Schleswig-Holstein, Northern Germany. Eurosoil. Bari, Italy. [POSTER]


  • Since 2016 Collaboration in the BMBF funded project “Unraveling the contribution of soil biodiversity to maize growth and fitness through combined omics-based in silico modeling and reconstruction biology” (PI: Prof. M. Bucher)
  • 2011 – 2016 Research assistant and PhD Student at the Soil Science / Soil Geography Research Group (headed by Prof. T. Mansfeldt). Doctoral thesis: “Monitoring of reducing conditions in soils and implications for biogeochemical processes” (grade: magna cum laude)
  • 2012 – 2013 Provisional laboratory manager at the Institute of Geography
  • 2010 Student research assistant at the Environmental Toxicology Research Group (headed by Prof. F. Gobas), Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada
  • 2006 – 2011 Studies of Geography, Soil Science and Geology, University of Cologne. Diploma thesis: “Hochauflösendes Monitoring des Luft- und Wasserhaushaltes einer naturbelassenen Kalkmarsch im Dithmarscher Speicherkoog, Schleswig-Holstein.
  • 2006 Civilian Service: Biologische Station Minden-Lübbecke e.V.


  • Seminar “Soil protection and soil pollution"
  • Seminar “Environmental monitoring”
  • Lab course “Methods in soil science”
  • Lab course “Risk assessment of an anthropogenic contaminated Fluvisol” (in cooperation with Dr. Stephan Opitz)
  • Field trip “Leinetalgraben – Göttinger Wald – Harzvorland – Harz”
  • Field trip “Ems – Rheine”
  • Field trip “Rheinhessen – Albig”
  • Field trip “Bastauwiesen Minden”

Mentoring of the following theses:

[16] Mummert, H. 2021. Vergleich von boden- und vegetationskundlichen Eigenschaften zwischen artenreichen Grünlandflächen und zukünftigen Ausgleichflächen im Rhein-Kreis Neuss, BSc.

[15] Nussbaum, P. 2021. Räumliche Analyse bodenkundlicher, hydrologischer und vegetationskundlicher Standorteigenschaften zur Bewertung der Schutzwürdigkeit von Böden in der Bastauniederung bei Minden, Nordrhein-Westfalen, BSc.

[14] Kürstgens, D. 2021. Kohlenstoffsequestrierung bei Agroforstsystemen als Antwort auf den Klimawandel – Erhebung und Bewertung bodenkundlicher Standortdaten als Grundlage eines Langzeitversuchs in Türnich, Kerpen, BSc.

[13] Artz, L. 2021. Rezent oder reliktisch? Beurteilung von redoximorphen Merkmalen in einem Stauwasserboden im Kottenforst, Nordrhein-Westfalen, MSc.

[12] Sidiropulos, A. 2020. Comparison of several aeration-status quantifiers of a Calcaric Gleysol, MSc.

[11] Reif, J. 2019. Einfluss des Mikroreliefs auf reduzierende Bedingungen in Böden der Niersaue nachgewiesen anhand von mit Mangan- und Eisenoxiden beschichteten Kunststofffilmen, BSc.

[10] Hövels, P. 2019. Mikro-Computertomographie-gestützte Visualisierung des Nahbereiches einer im Boden installierten Platinelektrode: Erfassung des lufterfüllten Porenvolumens, BSc.

[9] Gurk, M. 2018. Oxygen dynamics of a marshland Gleysol, MSc.

[8] Herzog, M. 2018. Einfluss von Bodeneigenschaften und Management auf die Biomasseproduktion ausgewählter Genotypen von Zea mays, BSc.

[7] Koschel, S., 2018. GIS-gestützete Visualisierung der räumlichen Verteilung reduzierender Bedingungen abgeleitet durch manganoxid- und eisenoxid-beschichtete Redox-Stäbe im Brücker, MSc.

[6] Schremmer, J., 2017 Einfluss der Bodentemperatur und des Nitratgehaltes auf die Oxidentfärbung manganoxid- und eisenoxidbeschichteter Redox-Stäbe – Laborexperimente und Feldversuche, MSc.

[5] Papenfuß, S., 2015. Oxide removal and element adsorption behavior along manganese and iron oxide-coated redox bars under different temperature regimes, MA.

[4] Eickmeier, M., 2014. Identifizierung und Monitoring reduzierender Bedingungen in grundwasserbeeinflussten Böden mittels Eisen- und Manganoxid-beschichteten Redox-Stäben, MSc.

[3] Roelkens, J., 2013. Auswertung von meteorologischen Messdaten einer vollautomatisierten Wetterstation im Speicherkoog, Dithmarschen, BSc.

[2] Possoch, M., 2013. Auswertung und Interpretation bodenhydrologischer Daten einer naturbelassenen Kalkmarsch im Dithmarscher Speicherkoog von April 2010 bis März 2013, BSc.

[1] Gelhausen, H., 2012. Auswirkungen einer Wiedervernässungsmaßnahme auf die Grundwasserstände eines Niedermoores in den Bastauwiesen bei Minden, Nordrhein–Westfalen, BSc.


  • Deutsche Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft

Reviews for international journals

  • European Journal of Soils and Sediments
  • Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management
  • Soil Science Society of America Journal
  • Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science
  • Environmental Pollution
  • Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts