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Since 03/2024: Guest Researcher on Sea Levels, Delta Flooding and related Societal Activities in the Soil Geography and Landscape Group at Wageningen University & Research.

Since 02/2021: Research assistant and PhD candidate within the DFG-project Driving factors for and societal effects of sea-level rise and delta flooding in the Ayeyarwady Delta (Myanmar) – Lessons from the past for disaster governance in the future; University of Cologne.

04/2018–11/2020: Studies of Geography and Agricultural Sciences (Master of Science); University of Cologne, University of Bonn.

Master thesis: Geomorphological and sedimentary impacts of exceptional precipitation events on a dry valley in the Andean Precordillera (Tarapacá region, N Chile).

10/2013–03/2018: Studies of Geography, Biology and Agricultural Sciences (Bachelor of Science); University of Cologne, University of Bonn.

Bachelor thesis: Characterisation of modern tropical cyclone deposits at Chaung Thar by applying sedimentological and luminescence dating approaches – Towards using sedimentary evidence for long-term hazard assessment in Myanmar.

06/2013: General higher education entrance qualification


Arbeitskreis Meere und Küsten e.V.

Deutsches Komitee Katastrophenvorsorge e.V.

Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Köln e.V.

Junge Geomorphologen (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geomorphologie)